• Randy Glob Mobile 1A.png
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  • Randy cell phone face 2.png
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  • Randy Preg 1=1= Can you Hear.jpeg
  • Randy What waitiing for?.png
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  • Randy Mobile CHurch 7.jpg

Shared on YouTube in 2011:

Randy shares a dream/vision about the next, soon coming economic crash he received in May of 2010.

God spoke to Randy with exact timing of the 2008 stock market, econmic crash.

Around 2010 he revealed another dream/vision about the 2nd, soon coming stock market/economic

crash that will make the 2008 crash seem like a Texas dirt devil, compared to a roaring

massive destructive tornado.



Methods of the recruitment

Search of staff is not an easy task. According to the departmental heads' of personnel management words, in order to find a personnel who will correspond to the relevant customer needs and requirements, it is necessary to carry out a great job.

For search and selection of necessary staff, a variety of means from the arsenal of psychological science is used : biographical questionnaires, standardized and non-standartized interviews, jobs, modelling work and situational exercises, tests on achievement, personality, intelligence and abilities, polygraphic examinations and much more.

It cannot be said that the use of psychological methods is absolutely devoid of any complications.Though many years of experience in the use of funds in a competitive environment influence on details such as drafting employment contracts, ensuring full motivational package.

There are some psychological techniques borrowed from abroad and their adaptation in the vast majority of cases has been reduced to minimum. As a result, practices that still somehow can be used in search and selection of personnel do not meet basic requirements of psychrometric.

The second major obstacle to the use of modern psychological diagnostics in practice of professional selection is the low level of psychological training of managers of contracting authorities and, alas the candidates who wish to obtain working space without making much effort. So professional psychologists are not enough to manage a professional psychological selection of personnel and solving other problems at the company related to the estimation of the personnel. Also well-established psychological assessment tools that meet all necessary requirements are required.